New Patient Forms

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What if I don’t have a computer?
A: A member of the cancer centre’s Intake Team will call you and take your information over the phone

Q: What if I don’t have a printer?
A: You can complete the forms on your computer and email them to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Q: Can I print the forms and send them in the mail?
A: No, do not send the forms by mail. Please print the forms, complete by hand and bring to your first appointment. Please have the Personal Medication List with you if your medication review appointment is scheduled by phone.

Q: Do I need to complete both forms at the same time?
A: No. The Personal Health History Form needs to be completed and submitted before your first appointment at the cancer centre. The Personal Medication List needs to be completed and submitted two days before your first appointment at the cancer centre. You can email the forms at the same time or separately to patienthistory@saskcancer. 

Q: Does a completed Personal Medication List replace my medication review appointment?
A: No. The completed list will be reviewed with you during your medication review appointment, whether in person or on the phone. It does not replace your appointment.

Q: What if can’t download the forms?
A: A member of the Intake Team will call you and take the information over the phone.

Q: Do I have to use a specific internet browser?
A: We recommend using the most current version of your browser available.

Q: When I open the Saskatchewan Cancer Agency website, it indicates it is not secure. What is the risk to my computer if I download the forms?
A: The website does not transmit or collect any personal information. The forms are saved to your own computer/device and then sent to the cancer centre through your email account.

Q: I tried to send the document as an email in the browser. A message displayed indicating I have to create a new email address. How do I proceed?
A: Save the documents to your computer. Then email the completed documents as attachments through your regular email account.

Q: What if I have trouble completing the forms?
A: A member of the cancer centre’s Intake Team will call you and take the information over the phone

Q: Who can I contact if I am having issues with completing the forms?
A: Contact the cancer centre closest to you and ask to speak to a member of the Intake Team.
• Allan Blair Cancer Centre (Regina) - 306-766-2213
• Saskatoon Cancer Centre - 306-655-2662